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Writer's pictureMike Christensen

Weekly Featured User

So, we thought we’d start doing a weekly featured user. It’s such an excellent way to see who every one of our users are and get to know what makes them tick! This week, our featured user is Roamadic. The travelling team first started the account as a travel account, but, of course, their plans drew the short straw because of COVID.

Who is Roamadic?

Roamadic is comprised of three different guys; Will Faulkner and the twins, Josh and Seb Hendriks. Seb has always had a desire for adrenaline-invoked activities, particularly favouring white-water rafting and bungee jumping. As well as this, he has another interest in cooking, posting his shows on Snapchat.

Josh loves travelling and immersing himself in new cultures, using his Retail Marketing degree to be in charge of social media and marketing for the team. Lastly, Will is the creativity behind the brand, having completed two contracts with Royal Caribbean as an Aqua Stage Hand and Broadcast Technician. Interestingly, he is also a Commercial Scuba Diver and PADI Divemaster.

The team have been friends for the past 12 years and decided to start up Roamadic around three years ago to visit Thailand, Vietnam, Qatar and Dubai. On their blog, they provide honest, frank, yet entertaining tips and behaviour guides for visiting these countries, all of which are necessary things to know before you go.

How did they hear about us?

Having a little chat with them, they said they heard about Sticht’s platform around a year and a half ago and fell in love with it. The reasons for this were because you can be yourself on the app-

“you don’t have to go and put loads of filters on it”

Which are such a faff for three guys who just wanted to chat to people about their explorations. Essentially, Roamadic were just in search of somewhere to upload their videos. Finding us, they said that they liked our mission and how the honest, friendly and valuable nature meant they could upload their videos and not receive hate or abuse in response.

How the app provides a better platform than Instagram or Youtube is how useful it is to communicate their tips and ideas. Without it, it feels a lot less personal, and you can have actual conversations with your followers that are more than just anonymous comments or likes from behind a screen. Roamadic wanted to see who their followers were, get to know them, and share these helpful travel guides with a person and not a screen.

It’s a “really great way to communicate cos it's personal. We weren’t getting that on Instagram or Facebook. We wanted to be an early adopter of this platform.”

“The plan was to always make videos, even just for ourselves. Then we started uploading and got 40,000 hits, and thought, maybe this could go somewhere.”

But they did it regardless of the views. Sticht seemed to them a perfect option on an app where views, likes, comments, or anything anonymous like that are irrelevant.

“It enables us to create those relationships in different countries. And, also, you’re speaking to someone directly through the camera; you can create that relationship with someone as opposed to sending messages. With Stitcht, you know who you’re talking to.”

This style of travel has enabled the team to experience the culture and get to know the locals in a way the quintessential tourist would not. For example, they have found themselves amid a football match transgressing language barriers. Check out the video of the game here:

What is in Store for The Future of The Team?

Roamadic’s ideas for the app once travel restrictions lift is to start reels on travel tips and recommendations that you can’t find in tourist books. The idea is to share the knowledge they already know from their adventures with other people. They’ve even started creating an Ebook on their travels, which will shortly be released.

The three guys have been using the app individually instead, under their actual names- Will Faulkner, Josh Hendriks, and Seb Hendriks. Check out some of their videos here:

We love these guys, and they’re just a great representation of what Stitcht is all about- no-nonsense, genuine interaction. Come and check out the app right now to see what all the fuss is about.

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1 opmerking

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26 mei 2021

Love this feature! Roamadic are a great watch on YouTube

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